Friday, September 4, 2015

Fairy Tale Engineering - Pre-K & Kinder

Pre-K and Kinder classes have been busy working on Fairy Tale Engineering projects.  We read a different fairy tale together and then we work hard to build something that will help the main character in the story.  For instance, for the Gingerbread Boy story they built things that would help the old man and the old woman catch the gingerbread boy so that he could stay safe at their house away from the fox.  They were so creative when they built these answers to the challenge!  Some built traps to catch him; some built enticing play areas so he would stay; some built other gingerbread people so he would have someone to play with; and others built intricate systems to capture him.  It's so much fun to watch them build with goals like this and watch their imaginations go wild!  Ask your children what they have been making for all of our stories.  We have read The Gingerbread Boy, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and the Mixed Up Chameleon so far.

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